CITY OF VALLEJO PLANNING COMMISSION Kent Peterman, Chairperson Gail Manning, Vice-Chair Norm Turley Bruce P. Gourley Suzanne Harrington Cole Wanda Chihak Lori Reese-Brown MONDAY 15 September 2008 7:00 P.M. City Hall 555 Santa Clara Street Vallejo, California 94590 _____________________________________________ Materials related to an item on this agenda submitted to the Planning Commission after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection on the table in front of Council Chambers during normal business hours. Such documents are also available on the City of Vallejo website at subject to staff's ability to post the documents before the meeting. Those wishing to address the Commission on a scheduled agenda item should fill out a speaker card and give it to the Secretary. Speaker time limits for scheduled agenda items are five minutes for designated spokespersons for a group and three minutes for individuals. Those wishing to address the Commission on any matter not listed on the agenda but within the jurisdiction of the Planning Commission may approach the podium during the "Community Forum" portion of the agenda. The total time allowed for Community Forum is fifteen minutes with each speaker limited to three minutes. Government Code Section 84308 (d) sets forth disclosure requirements which apply to persons who actively support or oppose projects in which they have a "financial interest", as that term is defined by the Political Reform Act of 1974. If you fall within that category, and if you (or your agent) have made a contribution of $250 or more to any commissioner within the last twelve months to be used in a federal, state or local election, you must disclose the fact of that contribution in a statement to the Commission. The applicant or any party adversely affected by the decision of the Planning Commission may, within ten days after the rendition of the decision of the Planning Commission, appeal in writing to the City Council by filing a written appeal with the City Clerk. Such written appeal shall state the reason or reasons for the appeal and why the applicant believes he or she is adversely affected by the decision of the Planning Commission. Such appeal shall not be timely filed unless it is actually received by the City Clerk or designee no later than the close of business on the tenth calendar day after the rendition of the decision of the Planning Commission. If such date falls on a weekend or City holiday, then the deadline shall be extended until the next regular business day. Notice of the appeal, including the date and time of the City Council’s consideration of the appeal, shall be sent by the City Clerk to all property owners within two hundred or five hundred feet of the project boundary, whichever was the original notification boundary. The Council may affirm, reverse or modify any decision of the Planning Commission which is appealed. The Council may summarily reject any appeal upon determination that the appellant is not adversely affected by a decision under appeal. If any party challenges the Planning Commission's actions on any of the following items, they may be limited to raising only those issues they or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this agenda or in written correspondence delivered to the Secretary of the Planning Commission. If you have any questions regarding any of the following agenda items, please call the assigned or project planner at (707) 648-4326. A. ORDER OF BUSINESS CALL TO ORDER B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. ROLL CALL D. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: September 3, 2008. E. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None. F. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY None. G. CITY ATTORNEY REPORT H. REPORT OF THE PRESIDING OFFICER AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND LIAISON REPORTS 1. Report of the Presiding Officer and members of the Planning Commission 2. Council Liaison to Planning Commission 3. Planning Commission Liaison to City Council I. COMMUNITY FORUM Members of the public wishing to address the Commission on items not on the agenda are requested to submit a completed speaker card to the Secretary. The Commission may take information but may not take action on any item not on the agenda. J. CONSENT CALENDAR AND APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Consent Calendar items appear below in section K, with the Secretary’s or City Attorney’s designation as such. Members of the public wishing to address the Commission on Consent Calendar items are asked to address the Secretary and submit a completed speaker card prior to the approval of the agenda. Such requests shall be granted, and items will be addressed in the order in which they appear in the agenda. After making any changes to the agenda, the agenda shall be approved. All matters are approved under one motion unless requested to be removed for discussion by a commissioner or any member of the public. K. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Planned Development 07-0008 and Tentative Map 07-0009 are projects to construct 14 townhome units on the existing vacant parcels. To facilitate the proposed development General Plan Amendment 07-0002 is proposed which changes the classification from Commercial to High Density Residential. Zoning Map Amendment 07-0003 proposes changing the zoning designation from Linear Commercial/Low Density Residential to Planned Development Residential. Minor Exception 07-0004 is proposed to provide two of three guest parking spaces. The project is located at 1401 Solano Avenue @ 9th Street. Proposed CEQA Action: Mitigated Negative Declaration. Staff Planner: Marcus Adams, 648-5392. Staff recommends approval of Tentative Map #07-0009, and recommendation to the City Council to approve General Plan Amendment #07-0002, Zoning Map Amendment #07-0003, Unit Plan #07-0008, and Minor Exception #07-0004 subject to the mitigated negative declaration and conditions of approval. 2. Use Permit 08-0008 is an application requesting to establish a 1,280 square foot massage therapy business using existing facilities. Requested hours of operation are 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. seven days a week. The applicant proposes to have three full time employees. The project site is located at 1776 Solano Ave. Proposed CEQA Action: Exempt. Staff Planner: Doug Zanini, 649-3409. L. OTHER ITEMS None. M. ADJOURNMENT Vallejo Planning Commission September 15, 2008 3